The Wild Horse Eco sanctuary is a place, private ranch, where 250-300 wild Wyoming horses call home. Located in the beautiful Centennial Valley. Horses are BLM geldings. Tours are available by appt.
We are the very first BLM Certified Wild Horse EcoSanctuary. What this means is that we are private land owners approved by the BLM to care for wild horses. Deerwood Ranch is a family owned operation that has been used for cattle ranching for over 30 years.
With the growing need to maintain the numbers of wild horses and with dwindling grazing available in the wild, the BLM (Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior) has turned to private land owners for help. There are 16 wild horse herd management areas in Wyoming alone, operated by the BLM on public properties.

Ours is the very first Wild Horse Eco Sanctuary on private land in the entire United States. Here, these beautiful animals will be able to live out their lives and be cared for in a setting that is as close to possible like their natural environment... only better!

Deerwood Ranch is approximately 4,700 acres of Wyoming beauty. With the Middle Fork of the Little Laramie River running through the property, there is year-round access to live running water. Abundant trees and willows provide refuge and great protection from the realities of Wyoming Winter. Open fields invite long runs and lazy afternoon grazing. 350 wild Wyoming mustangs call Deerwood home, not to mention the native deer, elk, coyote and all manner of wildlife.
The ranch is conveniently located approximately 35 miles west of Laramie and south of Centennial. We are near the Snowy Range, Medicine Bow National Forest and numerous outdoor activities, recreation areas, etc. We also operate a year-round guest cabin right on the property. So, your vacation options are limitless. Give us a call today and come visit our magnificent wild horses!