United Way of Albany County


United Way of Albany County


United Way of Albany County

Anna Cramer Anna Cramer
(307) 745-8643 | fax: (307) 745-8676
Connect With Us

United Way of Albany County

Fighting for health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community

Our Programs

Homeless Task Force

Pics from Jan 2015 PiT
Pictures taken by Sally Palmer during the January 2015 Point-in-Time Survey

The United Way is taking the lead in examining the issue of homelessness in Albany County. The task force meets monthly and is open to all concerned citizens. It has conducted three Point-in-Time surveys of people who are homeless in Albany County in order to gather some baseline data on what homelessness looks like in our community as well as reasons why people are homeless. Contact us for more information on time and place of the monthly meeting.


United Way of Albany County co-sponsors the Albany County VITA program at the Albany County Public Library. Trained volunteers prepare tax returns for low- and moderate-income families during tax season. This is a free service.

Open Source Software

Several software solutions developed for the United Way of Albany County are available for deployment in your own non-profit organizations. Source code is provided free of charge under the MIT License at GitHub.

Emergency Response

United Way of Albany County has established a fund to provide financial support to local nonprofits for emergency expenses. Our social services nonprofits, which make up the core of our Laramie Community, provide for many basic needs, including food, clothing, and shelter. The fund we have created, provides micro-grants to local nonprofits with these emergency expenses.

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 (Date: 3/26/2025)